internet.jpgI am STILL waiting for the last round of primaries … STILL! I am so bored.

Clinton lies about Bosnian snipers.

Obama says poor folk like to hunt and find solace in religion when the chips are down. OMG!

McCain says that al Qaeda is from the plant Iran in the Alpha Centari system and that we need to build up our Space Fleet to combat the alien terrorist threat* (and where the hell is the media on this one?).

The waiting is killing me here …

So, Ethan and I talked about it on CrossPoint last Wednesday.

Download I AM SO BORED!

*I am all for this idea, btw. How the hell can I start up my evil space pirate conglomerate if there is no space fleet for me to confound and embarrass with my space pirate daring and wit? I mean, come on, NASA, I’m not getting any younger here!