Today, April 1st, is my 6 year anniversary. Yes, I met a woman who let me get married on April Fools Day. What do you buy your wife for the 6th one?
I’m not going to get too personal, but, I need to give my wife a nod here. I never really see her. Over the last few years, from Democratic Campaigns (horrible pay), to the Democratic Party (better pay, great benefits) to Salt Lake City (better pay, silly benefits) to my current gig, I’ve been busy.
Go back to 2002, and, working for myself, I was working about 10 hours a day to diminishing returns, until there was no more work. Stick in a year of near unemployment here, mid-2002-through 2003, scrambling after one small contract job to another and borrowing money from family. Throw in a kid in late 2002 and a kid in 2004. Throw in several months of $750.00 a month working a campaign in 2004 at about 12-14 hours a day. More unemployment for the first half of 2005. Then the DNC, a steady pay check and incredible benefits, and, again, about 12 hours a day, unless it’s campaign season, then it’s 20 hours a day. Salt Lake City was again a steady 12 a day. Now, funny enough, it’s a lot of 18-20 hour days with a few random 10 hour days and a few overnighters.
I’m never around, and, when I am, there’s no continuity to it. I can never make plans. I’m called away from the house more than a surgeon, and almost always with no notice. I seem to be parked, in the basement, surrounded by computers and wrapped in a distracted, disassociative attitude…
… and I’m still married.
That’s just work stuff.
If you read here from time to time, you may get the feeling that I’m a warm and cuddly guy, a friend to my fellow man (and woman) and a joy to be around. Well, I’m not, really. I’m kind of a dick; a pompous ass for the most part. I am not easy to get along with. I’m often lost in thought, I always forget to do things around the house, I don’t think I’ve seen our checkbook for around three years, so, I assume my wife is paying the bills (mental note: look into that), I just kind of work and eat and from time to time, I spend a little time with my family…
…and I’m still married.
The majority of the time I do spend with my family, I give to my kids. My wife, seriously, is the victim half of a terribly boring marriage…
… and I’m still married.
So, today, on our anniversary, I just want to publicly state that my wife is either a saint, a glutton for punishment, insane, or all three. Regardless, she put up with me for six years now, and that seems pretty incredible.
You forgot that she lets you wear kilts in public too. Your wife is pretty cool though, I must admit.
HEY! Congratulations!
I thought for sure one of you would have killed and eaten the other by now.
I haven’t seen your wife in a good long while now.
Congrats, Jeff and Jeff’s Wife!
Congrats. And I checked for you, the traditional gift for the 6 year anniversary is “iron.”
Things that are made of iron (or similar metals): tools, golf clubs, fences…
Well, I missed the actual day, but congrats.
And give yourself a little more credit, you’re not THAT hard to get along with.