I know, I know, but there’s six weeks until the next Democratic Primary, and I have to pace myself. Here is Hollywood screwing up yet another perfectly fine memory.
Suck Monkey? WTF? Did someone at the Deseret Morning Republican Party Newsletter write this movie?
Pu-lease….there are half naked girls in this movie. No one from the Deseret Morning news would be caught dead looking at this movie, let alone trying to write it.
You can bet your grandma’s dentures though, that some old timey republican will be trying to make it illegal to show the movie in Utah.
This movie SHOULD be illegal. I’m just surprised that George Lucas didn’t have anything to do with this violation of one of my favorite movie memories.
Jack Bower is going to be pissed off.
Agreed. I’ll clear my schedule to join a protest against this movie should anyone feel inclined to start one. Meanwhile, get Agent Bauer on the phone…he seems to be free this season.
The trailer alone is reason enough for me to want to stab my eyes out with rusty tent stakes. I’ll never get that minute of my life back now.