I’m sitting in for Ethan Millard on the Nightside After Party for the next two nights, and I’ve been given free reign, inside the guidelines of current FCC rules, to talk about what I want to.
So, what should I talk about? Sound off in the comments and let me know what you think.
Hmm, it’s been a while since I listened to the after party, so I’m not sure what Ethan has already covered.
Maybe the left over crap that EnergySolutions wants to burn in Clive, UT. That’s old news though.
Or maybe the idiocy going on with the Salt Lake Police Department not wanting to have a police conduct review board that is outside of the influence of the police department. That should get some calls and texting coming in.
SB2, and the poor policy foisted on Utahns by a handful of legislators with too much power.
Attorney Peter Stirba drop bombshell on former SLC Mayor candidate Keith Christensen
Stirba & Associates today filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against Top Stop Gas and its owners Craig Larson and Keith Christensen. The spill occurred during the campaign for Salt Lake City Mayor and was hushed up. I wonder how supportive Rocky would have been had he known Christensen’s company released one of the largest gasoline stills in Utah history.
Below is a story from the Deseret News.
Since Jim Bell worked for Rocky at the time, I’d be curious if he had any idea this was going on at the time. The spill supposedly occurred in the June-July time frame. He had to have known, yet continued his campaign instead of dealing with the spill and the disaster for Gunnison City.
Christensen, a Republican, is part owner of a gas station chain and started a company that manufactures military-airplane parts, while Anderson, a Democrat, is known for his environmental causes to reduce greenhouse-gas pollution and for his anti-war stance. The two have had their differences: Christensen said, for example, that he never would have protested President Bush’s visit to Utah last summer as Anderson did.
But both said Monday that partisanship doesn’t belong in municipal races, where the focus should remain on good governance.
Christensen said that he wants to make Salt Lake City one of the most liveable cities in the world. Building on a slew of accolades from magazines such as Money and Outside, he wants the capital to be everyone’s zenith.
Today’s report on KSL at 5pm
Today’s report on KUTV 2
Posted by Captain Mark at 5:24 PM 0 comments
How about the mail in ballot issue with Michigan and Florida? Or(not like it hasn’t been talked about for the last two days on every other radio show)Gov Spitzer and his poor personal decisions making?
A week from today is the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Lots to talk about there. I was wondering this morning how long it has been since the Salt Lake newspapers ran a front page story about the Iraq occupation.
Also, USA Today has a new poll that says 60% of Americans think the invasion was a mistake and want a timetable to get our forces out of Iraq. But the same poll shows a lot of people are still misinformed about what’s going on.