MSNBC’s David Shuster has a little time on his hands these days, because he’s been suspended for an indeterminate amount of time for basically calling Chelsea Clinton a whore and Hillary her pimp.
From the Washington Post:
In case there was any doubt, using a prostitution metaphor for the daughter of a presidential candidate is not a good career move.
MSNBC suspended correspondent David Shuster yesterday for an undetermined period for making a disparaging on-air remark about Chelsea Clinton. Meanwhile, officials in her mother’s campaign raised the possibility of punishing the news channel by boycotting future debates.
While filling in as a host Thursday, Shuster was discussing the 27-year-old’s role in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign with two guests when he asked: “Doesn’t it seem as if Chelsea is sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?”
Dude … I understand you were filling in for uber-douche Tucker Carlson, but, man … that was out of line, dumbass. When you see Imus in your support group, see if maybe he has some advice for you on stuff like this.
I see this differently.
How can a candidate for President send out a surrogate with the kind of profile of Chelsea to officially represent the candidate for president.
and keep her absolutely unavailable to the press.
The disturbing phrase of 2008 is not “sort of being pimped out”
MSNBC are cowards… when the Clintons demanded an apology
MSNBC should have demanded an interview with the official campaign surrogate.