From the Huffington Post:
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney loaned his campaign a total of more than $35 million in 2007, according to the most recent filings of campaign finance reports.
WTF? Did anyone tell him that the job doesn’t pay this much?
In the past quarter alone, the former Massachusetts governor pumped $18 million of his own wealth to financing his candidacy. That personal contribution helped bolster his fourth quarter fundraising total to $27 million, well beyond the $6.8 million raised by his competitor and GOP frontrunner, Sen. John McCain. The figures, it should be noted, were tallied at the end of December when the political dynamics were very much different.
You know, with rich white guys like Romney in the race, it becomes every more difficult for other, less rich white guys to buy their way into the Republican Nomination. Thank God those guys still have Congress, the Senate and State Legislature seats to buy, or the sound of their wailing would burst ear drums across this fair, if damaged, country.
Nevertheless, the scope of Romney’s personal wealth and the extent of his self-financing have become recent fodder on the campaign trail. In a recent debate, the Massachusetts Republican declined to reveal just how much money he was giving his campaign. Though he has been willing to flaunt his campaign wealth as evidence that he remains a viable White House contender.
“I have authorized a seven-figure — I won’t give you the exact number — but a seven-figure advertising buy for our campaign,” Romney told the Washington Post. “But frankly, at this stage, I don’t think anyone will be advertising on a per-person basis the level we did in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and Florida.”
Good God. Hey, didn’t Romney promise not to spend his own money on this race? Guess he changed his mind again (and again, and again, and again).
Read the rest HERE if you can stomach it.
When I read this article all I see is a bunch of bitter men envious because they haven’t been able to BUILD the wealth Mitt has.
Face it- Mitt knows how to make money- for the President of the United States- that’s not a negative quality.
It’s ok, I know his run is over. I accept it. Americans are idiots.