I’ve been swinging between Obama and Biden (stronger for Biden since a certain event in November that had nothing to do with Obama but with a Utah Democratic Senator that shivved me in the back).
As much fun as Biden is (his characterization of Mayor Rudy is dead on), Obama is still the only candidate that inspires me. Biden is a talented technition, Obama is a “once in a generation” candidate like JFK, Truman, Clinton (Bill) and even Jefferson.
From Veracifier’s YouTube Channel:
And, for Misty, my love for Biden:
Download This is why, Misty
That was definitely a good moment in the debate. 🙂
The main point is that Obama is electable, none of the others are. Biden was dead before he started. Iowa is 95%+ white too.
I hope the Jr. Senator has a good SS detail as there has to be hate mongers out there who would target him as they did Bobby K in ’68. Others have drawn parallels between the excitement both bring to the electoral process and the promise of a better day for all Americans.
A great night for Dems. Think what an Obama and Edwards ticket could do to Huckabee or McCain.
We now have a dream! Obama in the White House!