Well, if you’re in the same boat I am and you find yourself being stabbed in the back from every elected Democrat you know, and stabbed in the front from any job offering Republican in this state, you’re counting on that early filed tax return to pay some rent and bills, right? Ok, maybe I have a unique situation, but, you may need those tax return dollars as bad as I do. Guess what? You’re screwed; by Democrats and Republicans alike … just like me!
See? You CAN be just like me! Sucks, huh?
IRS: You may have to wait for your tax refund
WASHINGTON – More than 3 million people will have to wait until February to get their tax refunds because of Congress’ late fix to the alternative minimum tax, the IRS said Thursday.
Congress put a one-year freeze on growth of the alternative minimum tax last week, shielding many middle- and upper-middle income taxpayers from first exposure to the tax. But Congress’ late action means the Internal Revenue Service won’t be able to start processing five AMT-related forms until February, delaying potential refunds for those people until that month.
Between 3 million and 4 million people filed in January for their 2006 taxes using those forms, with many expecting a refund, the IRS said. The average refund was $2,324, the agency said.
Oh, goody! Thanks ever so much, Congressional Democrats! The last thing I needed was yet another batch of Democrats working so very hard to make me homeless. Good job, asshats. Thanks ever so much.
Read the REST HERE, if you have the stomach for it.
From the article:
“We can help taxpayers claiming the child and dependent care credit avoid the delay by using alternative forms to file their return,” said Tim Gokey, group president of H&R Block Tax Services. “Taxpayers can also file their return earlier by not claiming the credits being blocked until Feb. 11, and then filing an amended return later to claim the additional credits.”
Wow, any more hoops we can jump through?
Oh, and if you do go read the article…it’s Bush’s fault.
It’s time for a multi-party system. I’m sick of getting screwed by elephants and donkeys.
Republicans + Blue Dog Democrats = Working Conservative Majority.
“the gift that keeps on giving”
Yeah, I was just coming back to add to my comment to say the Democrats were just as guilty. They should have let Bush veto it.
I have found myself just checking out lately… this is what happens when Democrats screw the passionate people that support them. We check out. We find other things to do with our time then supporting a party that takes us for granted.
I’m still a little mislead on your entry here. Do you actually believe this? I’m not saying you’re wrong, but you’ll have to create a good discussion to convince folks that you’re right.
I love this blog. Thanks for the great information. I have it bookmarked and will be back.