I guess the shredder broke?
The Ike Executive Office Building is on fire. According to CNN this morning, this is the building where the Secret Service keeps the White House visitor logs that Rep, Waxman has been fighting for and a federal judge just ruled that Congress can have.
More on this from Sgt.Jake in a few minutes, as I am at another doctor’s office on my Blackberry.
So, sorry about the spelling.
Geez. I saw this on TP, and of course there were jokes made about the shredder being broke, etc, but I didn’t realize this is where those documents were kept.
Impeach his ass.
Why am I not the least bit surprised. I wonder if Nixon is turning in his grave right now because he didn’t think of this first.
These guys really think they’re above everything. Time to bring them down, in a fiery (sorry ’bout the pun) ball.