Mmmm, Coffee. If there is one central reason for my nearly complete lapse of our dominant religion, it’s my love of coffee. Mormons are taught, for some reason, that coffee is the Devil’s nectar, and they have embraced this article with a faith that is all at once fervently respectable and laughingly hypocritical (Diet Coke, anyone?).


 The LDS avoidance of coffee is summed up in a vague half sentence contained in Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Word of Wisdom:

 9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.

Yup, that’s it. That’s the reason I was slapped upside the head, at the age of 17, on a flight to Orlando with my family, when I asked for coffee with my breakfast.

The Catholics, and my favorite pontiff,  have got the Mormons beat when it comes to my favorite drink.

Coffee first arrived on the European continent by means of Venetian trade merchants. Once in Europe, coffee fell under harsh criticism from the Catholic church. Many felt that Pope Clement VIII should ban coffee, calling it the drink of the devil. To their surprise, the pope, already a coffee drinker, blessed coffee declaring it a truly Christian beverage.

Well, you’re going to have to be the judge on the Coffee vs. Diet War, but, let me give you a few fact nuggets…

Vitamins and Stuff:

Antioxidants. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and melanoidins. Antioxidants help prevent oxidation, a process that causes damage to cells and contributes to aging. Melanoidins from roasted coffee have antioxidative effects depending on the way the coffee is treated.

 Fight Off Brain Diseases:

Parkinson’s disease. Regular coffee consumption reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease. A number of studies [1],[2] have demonstrated that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are significantly less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.

 Be A Genius!

Improved mental performance. Caffeine in coffee is a well-known stimulant. Coffee promotes alertness, attention and wakefulness. The cup of coffee can also increase information processing.

Cure The Plague!

A publication which came out during the plague of 1664-1665 entitled ‘Advice Against the Plague’ by Gideon Harvey recommended coffee against the contagion. Harvey was an eminent human physiologist, and played a large role in characterizing the circulatory system. He was also a great lover of coffee and upon his deathbed in 1657, bequeathed to the Royal Society the greatest treasure in his lab– 56 pounds of high-quality Venetian coffee.

Don’t Forget Stuff

Alzheimer’s disease. Regular coffee consumption seems to protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Recent mouse study showed that caffeine equivalent to 5 cups of coffee per day reduced the build up of destructive plaques in the brain.

Drink All You Want (BYOB) 

Liver cirrhosis. Coffee drinking may protect against liver cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis.

So, there you have it! Coffee! The miracle brew! Drink some today!


*there may be some incidental draw backs as well. See Dumb Little Man for more INFO