In the comments section of my post about Dictator Bush’s Plan For A Bush Led Empire, my friend JC Carter, talented contributor here at JM, made the following statement:
JC Carter said,
Well if I wasn’t scared shitless before, I am now. One silver lining to winding up in a concentration camp, Jeff, we’d definitely lose weight.
That prompted the following IM conversation:
me: very nice. Holocaust humor.
JC: I believe in calling it what it is. I figure we’ll be locked up fairly quickly
me: you could have said internment camp,
JC: maybe a re-education camp?
me: but, I know that you’re probably, prophetically correct
JC: helluva weight loss program. Of course, if we wound up in one we’d probably find a way to turn it into Hogan’s Heroes
me: DUDE! SHHHHHHHHHHHHH! They’re listening. I know Nusssink!
JC: I know no-sink!
me: if we end up at the same camp, can we start a musical theater group?
JC: Sure, why?
me: Because then the waterboarding wont seem so bad.
Am I a bad person for laughing?
Oh my God! That was the funniest thing I’ve read this week. I can’t stop laughing. Oh, my bad!
Jeff and I are much funnier as a team… we need a morning radio show or something.