I’m not much for admitting defeat without a vote count to prove it, but, this time, humble and bowed, I grant that the Republicans have won and won big.
From Veracifier at TPM today, the following:
Or, click the link HERE.
Way to go, GOP, those ol’ timey “morals” and “values” always seem to take the prize.
Whoo-Hoo! Waytogo GOP (acronym for God’s Own Perverts).
You know what? Democrats need to step the fuck up. It’s ridiculous that with this much fodder they can’t muster an ounce of indignation or at least a smidgen of embarrassment from card carrying republicans. Honestly – at this point, republicans should be downright fucking mortified to admit that they’re members. In fact, when a republican pulls out his card, the response should be “Oh – for real? Which kind of republican are you? The gay kind? The child molesting kind? The thieving kind? Liar then? Generally just a big fucking asshole?” And then everyone within 50 feet would start laughing and pointing. At the very least he or she would be challenged with “WTF does that mean?”, and to *any* response given “Since when?”, and to yet any further response given “Yeah – well good luck with that whole ‘free republic’ idea, let me know how it works out there, Jefferson”.
… Jefferson was a Democrat.
Right on, Jake. My sentiments exactly (though, I’m pretty sure my sentiments would have better grammar 🙂 ).
What is the problem? Why don’t the Dems do something? Why doesn’t America get the joke that is the GOP? WTF, man?
Seriously – I’m doing it from now on. Anyone who admits to being a republican is getting mocked ruthlessly. With bad grammar.
(Re: Jefferson – like anyone knows that but you…)