I’m poaching an idea from the folks at Crooks and Liars and, of course, my hero, skippy the bush kangaroo. They, however, do this at night, whereas I, in my infinite wisdom, can always use a music break in the afternoon.
Today’s choice, for me, is Roger Waters. He’s nowhere, right now, as far as I can tell, and, IMHO, he doesn’t hold a candle to David Gilmour musically, but Waters is an epic songman.
He’s thoughtful, spooky and insightful. Some of Pink Floyd‘s best stuff came under Waters’ influence (look, I like the Syd stuff, and I like the Gilmour stuff, too, but, c’mon, they’re like three different bands with the same name), and, the musical influence of Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall, no matter how cheesy my kids think it is, is undeniable.
Also, JC Carter is going to be pissed that I stole his thunder on this one. That makes my laugh.
You know how I feel about Floyd. And yes, I intentionally left the pink out. You must deserve the pink!
Just nice getting to hear Roger in the afternoon.