I won’t dig deep into Mike Vick, because I try not to swear that much here. Really, I don’t. But, for my Utah readers I want to issue the following challenge demand.
Tomorrow, up on the hill, in the first special session of the 2007 Legislative Session, there’s going to be a dumbass attempt, by insane Republicans, to pass the Animal Torture Bill, but, not to make it a felony until the second conviction.
1.) Michael Vick is a first time offender.
2.) I took animal husbandry in school, and, if you’re afraid of what this bill will do to you under the umbrella of “animal husbandry” then you’re doing it wrong and you need to go to jail.
Here’s the challenge demand:
If your legislator doesn’t vote to pass Henry’s Law (first time felony version) or if your legislator votes against Henry’s Law … I want you to file to run against them next year. If you can’t do that, I want you to give whatever you can, a donation, volunteer time, door-to-door work, whatever. to their opponent next year. At the very least, don’t vote for someone who thinks that animal torture is only worth a chuckle and a small fine.
I’m posting this at 7:00pm on Tuesday. CLICK HERE , ASAP, and visit the Utah Humane Society’s web page and send your legislator a quick, polite, email and let them know how you feel.
I’m not going to commit to your proposal, but I did send the email, and I do plan to look at how the vote goes. What a twisted world we live in that anyone could be like this, and that our legislators could downplay the abhorrent act as a “mild crime” the first time. As I said in the email – animal torture isn’t an “oops”.
So, you wont volunteer or donate, either?
I’m taking up your challenge. As I posted on my blog:
“I hereby make a pledge. I am a man of very limited means financially, but I feel very strongly on this issue. Any Republican Legislator who votes against this bill (or trys to alter it to make it a felony the second time around), I will contribute $50 or more to his opponents in 2008. Any Democratic Legislator who is dumb enough to do this (and I pray there isn’t) will find me giving $100 contributions to both primary and general election opponents. Furthermore, if this should not be incentive enough for you, then you will face my wrath, and every dumb move you have ever made will show up here on my blog.”
I’ll likely donate, and probably volunteer, but if only if I was going to anyway. Especially when you look at next year – my time is likely to be very taken up on the presidential campaign. But, when it comes to time or money, I’m only giving it if I feel like the person is worthy, and I can’t guarantee myself there will be a worthy candidate as of right now.
How about I pledge to speak against anyone who doesn’t vote for Henry’s Law, and be very vocal about it, especially come election time. Will that work? 😉
You’re suspect … I’m watchin’ you :p
I will take that pledge against any representative or senator in my area.
It looks like you are going to have to take people up on your challenge…cowards.
We have a very good chance this year of seeing this legislation passed. Initially there were 3 proposed pieces of legislation 2 of which would weaken the current code. Those 2 have been withdrawn and only Senator Davis’ bill is before the legislature. It is SB 101 and is exactly how it was last year. Please visit our website http://www.henryslaw.com and find the 2007 voting on the billlast year. It really did pass unanomouly aside from the last minute amendments which were a calculated move to kill the bill. Help us in a citizens lobby day scheduled for February 13th in room 240 State Capital. Please RSVP to info@henryslaw.com so that we can calculate the food requirements for this event. We are sponsoring this with HSUS. ASPCA, and American Humane. Thanks for your concern and help with this issue.