First of all, Rep. Foley is a pederast, and the media characterization of him as a “homosexual” really makes me angry. The man is a child predator, NOT gay. There is a huge difference between the two and the media’s (and the bigot’s) inability or unwillingness to make the distinction is disgraceful and thickheaded.
The last real news from GOP pederast Rep. Foley was his entering rehab. I, personally, was unaware that there was a place for pederasts and child molesters to rehab (outside the organizational influence of the Catholic Clergy) and have wondered where the hell he went and if anyone is keeping tabs on him.
Like the guy behind him, for instance.
Now, I realize that no one has had the testicular fortitude to charge him with any crime, but, come on! There was nearly as much evidence against GOP pederast Rep. Mark Foley as you get from those scumbags on NBC’s To Catch A Predator.
I did a quick Google search this afternoon, and all I can find is that all he’s done, in reaction to being outed as a PEDERAST, is to sue a priest (who deserves to have his ass kicked, if nothing else):
Foley using campaign funds to pay lawyer fees
Former Rep. Foley Spends $483,254 On Legal Fees
Deal reached in Foley-priest abuse case
Lawsuit involving Foley priest settled
Foley’s legal fees continue to climb
So, that’s it then? GOP pederast Rep. Mark Foley sues a priest, who is also a pederast, who molested him 40 some-odd years ago, and …. what? How screwed up is our legal system that, even after admitting he (the priest) molested GOP pederast Rep. Mark Foley, gets away with just a lawsuit (that will be paid by the donations of parishioners) because the statue of limitations ran out decades ago? That has a statue of limitations of child abuse? That seems to forgive GOP pederast Rep. Mark Foley from multiple counts of solicitation of sex with a minor child because he went to rehab and then sued the priest that did it to him?
This entire thing is covered in filth.
Previous Posts about Foley
THREE times with the Faux News
More Chris Cannon Dirty Money
Chris Cannon Blames The Children For Foley Scandal
Chris Cannon Blames The Kids
So, what’s funny about Mark Foley? Nothing.
I think he is therapy for “alcohol abuse”
yeah, “alcohol abuse” is just so much horseshit.
I agree with Jack and Dave.
“alcohol abuse” does not a pederast make. The guy is, IMHO, a dangerous predator of children and I think he needs to be treated as such.