From the N.P.R.:, August 6, 2007 · U.S. military officials have lost track of at least 110,000 AK-47 rifles and 80,000 pistols sent to help Iraqi security forces fight insurgents, according to federal report.
In a July 31 report to lawmakers, the Government Accountability Office revealed that its analysis of Defense Department and Multinational Force-Iraq records showed at least 190,000 weapons issued from June 2004 through December 2005 are missing.
The GAO, Congress’ investigative arm, also said protective gear for Iraqi police and security forces cannot be accounted for. The analysis of Multinational Security Transition Command-Iraq property records showed that 135,000 pieces of body armor and 115,000 helmets are also missing, the report said.
“DOD and MNF-I cannot ensure that Iraqi security forces received the equipment as intended,” the report stated.
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This is what is known, in military circles, as a bad thing. You would have thought, if you were paying attention, that the theft of several thousand pounds of munitions in 2004, that are currently being used in IEDs against Americans, would inspire the REMF’s to keep a pretty tight eye on the arsenal.
You would have thought that, and, it turns out, you would have wrong as hell.
There are certain things you can understand loosing: car keys, pens, your “Mitt for President” bumper stickers…
But even 190,000 pens would be difficult to misplace.
I’m completely and totally surprised by this. Wait, did I say surprised? I meant not surprised.
Man … I’d forgotten about that.
It’s good to be on the Bush Team, sometimes.