According to MySpace, it’s Barack’s birthday today.
Who the hell am I to argue with MySpace? Maybe for my birthday, the fine Senator from Illinois will give me a visit to Utah that wont cost me 500.00 to go to. Probably not.
According to MySpace, it’s Barack’s birthday today.
Who the hell am I to argue with MySpace? Maybe for my birthday, the fine Senator from Illinois will give me a visit to Utah that wont cost me 500.00 to go to. Probably not.
Actually, he is. 🙂
We didn’t get to announce it until late Saturday, and you may already know this now, but he’s going to be stopping and speaking at our Roadside Rally.
I’m as annoyed with Obama as I am with Edwards. I understand Utah’s electoral count, but, why only the quick trip? Richardson and Dodd found a few hours, Edwards and Obama are popping in and popping out.
With, the exception, it seems, of Obama who will pull over to the side of the road to and wave hello.
With that kind of attention, from candidates of both parties, it’s easy to see why people keep trying to dump nuclear waste here. They don’t know us well enough.
I can understand it. A Dem has 0% of winning Utah’s electoral votes, so the only thing we really have to offer is $. A longer visit isn’t needed to pick up money.
Look, I understand it.
Here’s a better point: This race started a long time ago. Well enough time to come and spend a few minutes with the pissant states.
Early in 2006, when I was with the State Party, we started an invite campaign to all the Presidential hopefuls.
Who answered?
Bill Richardson – three times.
Everyone else took a pass. And, for the most part, most didn’t even try to hide their laughter.
Now that the DNC picked Denver for the convention, and the West is in play, they don’t laugh out loud anymore. They pop in for the cash.
I understand it. I just don’t like it and I never have. Anyway, I’m just being whiney because I thought, out of all of them, Obama would find a way to stay a few extra minutes and maybe put something together with the State Party for we low dollar donors.
I get that it’s cool that he’ll pull over and talk to the roadside crowd. It’s very cool. I’ve just set my standard on Richardson’s respectful behavior to the Utah Democrats.
I’m still part of Team Obama, I’m just a little less dazzled is all.
He spoke to us for over 15 minutes, and went around the entire perimeter, shaking hands and speaking with people. Trust me – there was a lot more than “pulling over” that went into this. We helped plan it out, and considering Secret Service involvement, I was surprised that he didn’t skip it or cut it short, since the 50 – 100 people we expected turned into a crowd of over 1,000 people. I’ll blog it tomorrow, for now I’m going back to pay attention to my family that is in from Arkansas for the first time in 4 years. But, I’m excited about today. I wish you’d been there! 🙂