Hi nice blog but why do you dont take donations via paypal?.Place a button on your site for people that whant to give you donations.For your blog thats extra money for you.So that you keep your blog for a long time.I fink many people wil give you something.So than the internet have very good blogs.Its better than olways have google ads on your blog or something like that.Greetings kaale
The programs you enjoy here are provided FREE for the edification of the masses. Help us cover broadcast, production and travel costs and keep these programs alive and spreading the word.
Hi nice blog but why do you dont take donations via paypal?.Place a button on your site for people that whant to give you donations.For your blog thats extra money for you.So that you keep your blog for a long time.I fink many people wil give you something.So than the internet have very good blogs.Its better than olways have google ads on your blog or something like that.Greetings kaale