Yeah, I know this is tame, but, good God, how thick can you be?

From the Readers Forum in the Deseret Morning Republican Party Newsletter today:

Why not have a downtown Farmers Market on Wednesday or Saturday? Why on Sunday, Rocky?

Earl V. Elmont

1.) There is one on Saturday. It’s called “The Farmers Market.” It’s over at Pioneer Park.
2.) If you don’t want to shop on Sunday, don’t shop on Sunday. Not everyone has a restriction to Sunday shopping.

3.) I work every Monday through Friday, including Wednesday, and most Saturdays during the hours of the Farmers Market, but I still like fresh, local produce, so, the Sunday Market is great for a lot of people like me.

4.) The Farmer’s Market is mostly a collection of locals that, here it comes …, have jobs during the week.

5.) The Sunday Market is called the People’s Market. Look it up HERE

6.) How the hell did you decide to get pissed at Rocky for this? Did you know that there are some mainstream religions that set Saturday aside as their religious day? I guess you’re far too wrapped up in your own self importance to look outside your sphere of reality and actually look into the “why” of something. So, when are you running for the Legislature?