Not Exactly the ‘Christian’ Thing To Do. . . Brownback Email Question’s Romney’s Religion
An aide to GOP presidential candidate Sam Brownback has been reprimanded for sending e-mail to Iowa Republican leaders in an apparent attempt to draw unfavorable scrutiny to rival Mitt Romney’s Mormonism.
Emma Nemecek, the southeastern Iowa field director for Brownback’s presidential campaign and a former state representative candidate, violated campaign policy when she forwarded the June 6 e-mail from an interest group raising the questions, the Brownback campaign said Sunday.
The e-mail requested help in fact-checking a series of statements about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Among the statements: “Theologically, the only thing Christianity and the LDS church has in common is the name of Jesus Christ, and the LDS Jesus is not the same Jesus of the Christian faith” and “The LDS church has never been accepted by the Christian Council of Churches.”
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You know, it’s funny: Although most of the attacks on Romney’s faith have been coming from the evangelical right and Republicans, I still see blog posts or other comments in which the writers claim that the “liberals” are doing it. Hard to face facts for some people, I guess.
One has to wonder how this will effect LDS loyalty the the Republican Party when it is people inside the GOP that are the source of most anti-Mormon campaigns and materials.
I don’t think it will do anything at all.
First of all, despite all evidence, Mormons still think that this is the Democrats doing it, even though it isn’t.
Some talking head will say that it is, and then the sheeple will think it.
I say that full well knowing that about 20% know it’s the GOP and the evangelicals.
Also, nationwide, I think that Dems are just as confused about the LDS Church as most GOP folk, but, that it doesn’t matter to Democrats what religion you are, just so long as you’re nit a serial killer.
The GOP, on the other hand, doesn’t care if you’re a serial killer, just so long as it’s AFTER someone’s birth when you do it. (yeah, I’m kind of kidding)