It’s because, for every other nasty thing he thinks or believes, he does not hate the Mexicans*

So … according to other Republicans … it’s ok to impeach the President now because he likes Mexicans and the GOP just can’t have that. That is NOT allowed. The GOP has three or four Hispanics to wheel out at conventions and parades, but, really, more than four? It’s harder to deport ’em when they vote Republican, right?

Read more weird role reversal HERE

You know the one about blind squirrels and nuts, right? I mean, the President isn’t PURE evil, right? He’s got Cheney for that.

*And by “Mexicans” I am using the GOP platform language that refers to anyone with a tan pigment from south of the Rio Grande to the tip of Tierra del Fuego, Spain, parts of France, Africa, Haiti, the Balkans, Philippine’s, Hawaii, parts of Canada and the United States … you know what? They’re usually talking about anyone not white when they say Mexican. That’s quicker.