What a morning! Two of my favorite radical right-wing bloviators said nice things to me.
First, James Evans was up at Kingsbury Hall this morning with Sean Hannity’s small entourage. I was surprised, really, and, just a touch impressed by the entourage. It was Sean, a producer and an assitant (and James Evans) and not a black helicopter in sight.
James and I chatted up party politics for a few minutes and when I asked him if he was challenged this year for county party leadership, he said, “You know, only from a couple of crazies, the usual thing.” and we shared a nice chuckle and a laugh. Then I asked him if he meant Towner or Ridgway and I got a long explanation of how the GOP voted to not let Ridgway run for anything anymore. So, I have to assume he meant Towner because Towner thinks he’s a pirate-ship captain.
James and I parted with his final words: “Great to see you again.” < — that was the nice thing he said, by the way.
As I’m walking out of the theater, Sean frikkin’ Hannity is sitting right there. Without so much as a ‘how do you do’, he grabs my hand and says: “Thanks, you’re a great American.” To me! Thanks for what? I have no idea, but that’s not the point.
Sean Hannity said, to me: “Thanks, you’re a great American.” I said, “Well, I do what I can, day by day.” (I’m not proud of that, but in my defense, I sure as hell wasn’t expecting to see Hannity sitting there, nor, to be called a Great American by him in the early morning. Besides, that’s how Rambo lives. Day by Day.)
You are a great American Jeff!
Where are my damn tickets?!
I have no tickets.
See, Salt Lake City has a rule about gifts and freebies. Simply: no. The “free” tickets that were offered to the mayor were turned down but Hannity took his and then asked for more (that’s what I hear on his radio show).
See, the money for the purchased tickets goes to charity. The feeling around here, aside from the rule, was, more tickets bought, more money to the charities.
Well, that picture just made my day. I’m even more excited for the debate now, and you are a great american.
Don’t look at it as a freebie Jeff, look at it as a life insurence policy.
With every best wish,
Your “Union Thug” buddy.
You ARE a great American.
We all know that Hannity’s a liar…….
But, even at that, I’m envious.
JM Bell, you *are* a great American and that I heart JM Bell thing is the funniest thing in America.
Giggling uncontrollably in Cedar City,
Other’s may be impressed with you and you may even be impressed with yourself, but I am not…
look around, Bob Murray has has done more good for more people than a whole lot of “so called” American’s.
Don’t abuse your freedom of speech just because you can. Be a gentleman and give the guy some credit. He’s your brother not your enemy……..
Nina. First, it’s pretty chickenshit posting in here, over 200 posts ago, but, ok, that seems to be symptomatic.
Second … Aside from the little fact that the only mine owner with a worse safety record than Bob Murray is Stickler, what has he done in the last three weeks?
As he broke Union after Union, as he bought politicians and has them roll back safety reg after safety reg, that was “good”? Or, are you one of those weak sister Republicans that figures if you can turn a profit, you’re a great American?
That’s disgusting. Go hit yourself in the head with something heavy.
You folks keep saying what a great guy Murray is, and what an asshole I am, but, you can’t give me an example of what the hell Bob has done that is so good. So, what?