Hannity Hearts MeWhat a morning! Two of my favorite radical right-wing bloviators said nice things to me.

First, James Evans was up at Kingsbury Hall this morning with Sean Hannity’s small entourage. I was surprised, really, and, just a touch impressed by the entourage. It was Sean, a producer and an assitant (and James Evans) and not a black helicopter in sight.

James and I chatted up party politics for a few minutes and when I asked him if he was challenged this year for county party leadership, he said, “You know, only from a couple of crazies, the usual thing.” and we shared a nice chuckle and a laugh. Then I asked him if he meant Towner or Ridgway and I got a long explanation of how the GOP voted to not let Ridgway run for anything anymore. So, I have to assume he meant Towner because Towner thinks he’s a pirate-ship captain.

James and I parted with his final words: “Great to see you again.” < — that was the nice thing he said, by the way.


As I’m walking out of the theater, Sean frikkin’ Hannity is sitting right there. Without so much as a ‘how do you do’, he grabs my hand and says: “Thanks, you’re a great American.” To me! Thanks for what? I have no idea, but that’s not the point.

Sean Hannity said, to me: “Thanks, you’re a great American.” I said, “Well, I do what I can, day by day.” (I’m not proud of that, but in my defense, I sure as hell wasn’t expecting to see Hannity sitting there, nor, to be called a Great American by him in the early morning. Besides, that’s how Rambo lives. Day by Day.)