Just got this in my email. It’s important, so, please, read it.
EVERY FIVE MINUTES a Darfuri dies . Four hundred thousand (400,000) have already died since the ethnic cleansing genocide of these poor but proud African farmers who simply want to live in peace was undertaken by the despotic Arab Al-Bashir regime in Khartoum. An estimated 50,000 of these have been babies who are often chained together and thrown on the pyres of the burning huts in the thousands of villages that have been burned to the ground by the mercenary Janjaweed militia, the killing agents of Al-Bashir. 2.5 million Darfuris have been left homeless, and 4 million depend on emergency relief for their very survival.
Salt Lake Saves Darfur, the local organization of the international Save Darfur Coalition, is sponsoring a series of events to bring to the vision and to the hearts of the great people of Salt Lake and Utah the plight of these suffering people, in observance of the Global Days for Darfur, April 21st- April 29th. On April 21st, we will be sponsoring in partnership with the Westminster College chapter of STAND, a lecture by noted Africa and Sudan expert John Prendergast entitled “Stopping the Genocide in Darfur.” This lecture, which is free and open to the public will be held at 7:00PM in the Gore Auditorium on Westminster College’s beautiful campus in Salt Lake, and will also be broadcast for those unable to attend.
On Sunday, April 29th, Salt Lake Saves Darfur invites the greater Salt Lake community of compassion to join with us as we honor the fallen and suffering Darfuris in a day of films, discussion and dance with a Sudanese dance troupe, Kakwa Union USA, at Salt Lake’s magnificent Main Library and Plaza, from 1 -5 PM. This event too is free and open to all. We will discuss ways to: Get our government to insist on the immediate placement of adequate UN peacekeepers to STOP THE KILLING NOW; Get our government to pay its fair share of the costs for this international peacekeeping effort; and, Insist that our government and institutions divest from any entity deriving profit from the inhumane Al-Bashir regime and the slaughter of the innocent people of Darfur.
In the time that it has taken to read this, another Darfuri man or woman or baby has perished. Please come to the Library on April 29th to JOIN OUR VOICE TO STOP THE KILLING NOW! We simply can’t let this atrocity against humanity in Western Sudan continue. NOT ON OUR WATCH.
Chuck Bruder
Salt Lake Saves Darfur
I’m sure this event will go a long way to saving them. What a disingenuous farce liberalism is. This event is inconsequential, insignificant and pales in the face of a a military presence there. Why don’t you grab a gun and go there yourself? …At least it will be more meaningful the “raising awareness.”
Grow up!