Here it is: LINK

There’s been a few folk taking punches at the Trib’s newest columnist, myself among them, but I think she’s hit her stride with this one. It’s well written, it’s thoughtful, it’s readable and it’s honest. Even if I didn’t agree with her on the issue in the column, I would still like it and find it well done.

I’ve enjoyed almost all of her pieces so far, to be honest, with a couple small exceptions, but I think that a lot folks don’t realize how hard it is to do that job.
Now, my complimenting this piece will most likely cause Rebecca to immediately light fire to any copy within reach, but, as I’ve said before, I think Walsh is evolving into an incredible asset for the Tribune*.

Now, if only the Trib would start writing Plato’s Cave again. Good Grief, but I miss George Pyle.

*who put the columnists in the “news” menu on the website. Shouldn’t they be on the opinion page? Just asking.