Cliff over at One Utah wrote a missive about the weird radio encounter you may have heard last week when Mayor Anderson got a “surprise visit” from Sean Hannity on Doug Wright’s program. However well the Mayor handled that encounter (and I think he did) one of the comments for Cliff’s blog post struck me as elegant, poetic and so finely written that I stand in awe of it as a piece of prosaic art. Here is is:
Larry Bergan Says:
March 31st, 2007 at 1:37 pm Hannity is nothing but a corporate mascot. An advertising campaign for a NEW, YOUNGER AND FUN TYPE OF McCARTHYISM. Sort of like a cross between Beatlemania and the death march of Bataan.
See? Ain’t that pretty? Good Job, Larry. It makes my scrolling “Sean Hannity is the devil’s mouthpiece” screen saver seem a little trite.
You’re making me blush, but thanks for the kind remarks.
It was inspired. Larry.
And a compliment from me a five bucks can buy you a cup of coffee.