So, I’m listening to the Doug Wright show right now, and I’m suffering from a fit of ironic chuckling.

Doug is poised on his soapbox, “good grief”-ing left and right about the amount of pork, and non military spending, included in the current spending bill. Seriously.

I’m not a fan of Bill Riders, never have been and never will be. The ironic chuckling I’m suffering from is that Doug, bless his heart, is so mad over something that his party does (well, did) all the time.

Bonehead riders are a sad fact of Hill behavior. If you go back back as far as Newt, you might recall the Balanced Budget ammedment that the Republicans stapled to a bill that was for sending emergency funds to states that were mangled by Hurricane Ivan.

You may recall a Bridge to Nowhere last session. You may recall that the percentage of riders and/or earmarks to bills rose by the hundreds of percent during the last six years.

Yeah, it’s wrong and certainly it needs to stop, but, one thing is pretty clear, it’s certainly an example of bi-partisanism, no matter how distasteful.

It just seems silly to me to work up an indignant rage about your neighbor stealing your newspaper, when you’ve been stealing his for years.