This is the Utah State Democratic Party Platform Sections that concern Military Affairs, Veterans and POW/MIA The Utah Republican Party parts will be listed below this post.

Military Affairs

Utah Democrats believe that all active duty, Reserve and National Guard service members and their families deserve better. Utah Democrats support our troops and strongly affirm that no American should deploy for military service without adequate equipment and resources required for their missions. We support equalizing military base pay with equivalent skills in private sector jobs. We aggressively support upgrading military housing, health insurance protection, and other benefits to be equal in quality to that available to persons in the private sector. We recognize the economic importance of preserving Hill Air Force Base, the Tooele Army Depot, and the Dugway Proving Ground, and call on all office holders to work toward preservation of all military installations in Utah.


Utah Democrats recognize that veterans are owed a special debt of gratitude for preserving and promoting American security at home and abroad. We embrace programs to honor and support veterans of military service. All veterans, including those participating in peacekeeping actions whether regular military, Reserve or National Guard, should be provided all the entitlements given to veterans of earlier service.

Given the dramatic force reductions due to the post-Cold-War restructuring of the military, Utah Democrats support a continuous and effective effort to assist the former members of the armed forces in rejoining civilian society. We must build state-operated veterans homes where they are needed most, thereby providing assistance to eligible homeless veterans. We must expand and fund support services, as well as medical and psychological services for all eligible veterans, particularly family counseling, drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs that cater to Veterans.

When a veteran becomes disabled as a result of a service-connected injury, they have the right to obtain adequate and timely financial compensation. Utah Democrats would improve the system whereby requests for V.A. benefits are processed. We must strive to make the V.A. benefits system user-responsive, respectful and friendly.


Utah Democrats believe that we should never cease seeking the fullest possible accounting of all American POW/MIA’s from all wars.

The Utah GOP Platform sections about the Military and veterans :

…That’s right. Nothing. Nada. No go. Don’t believe me? Click here and see for yourself. The GOP Noise machine talks a lot about the Party Platforms as the litmus test of what’s important. Well…There it is.