by JMBell | Jan 4, 2013 | America, JMBell, The Left Show
MEDIA MEGA-ALERT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 04 January, 2013 For more information contact: The LEFT Show (801) 382-7469 The LEFT Show’s Centennial Episode Is Imminent! Utah’s Favorite* Counter Culture Podcast Hits Mostly Symbolic...
by JMBell | Dec 31, 2012 | America, JMBell, The Left Show
Hiya, folks! This is a “Best Of” The LEFT Show (The One With Brenda) as we get ready for our 100th Episode, our giant branding overhaul, getting Hold 322 moving to it’s new field of possibilities, and launching a couple of new shows for the network....
by JMBell | Dec 26, 2012 | America, JMBell, The Left Show
OMG, I think I’m hungover and I didn’t have a drop to drink. I finished off my bottle of 12 year old Glenlivet the Peter and Lisa Westbrook gave me for my birthday in 2009, a few weeks ago, and I won’t touch the Natural Light that Forrest left here....
by JMBell | Dec 24, 2012 | America, JMBell, The Left Show
Oh, it’s Christmas Eve … so, hey, let’s talk about gun control, shall we? There were so many different stories about gun control; like this, and this, and this, and this, and this. Oh, and, the NRA stepped out in front of some cameras and said some...
by JMBell | Dec 19, 2012 | America, Democrats, JMBell, The Left Show
Alex Cragan from SLUG Magazine was held against his will for yet another action filled episode! New News from the Walking Dead and Texas lets its ignorance bite it in the ass. The Boy Scouts of America continue to be just plain shitty and Bill O’Reilly tries to...