by JMBell | Jun 19, 2017 | The Left Show
333 The LEFT Show by J.M. Bell | Monday in America It’s Monday in America™, and it’s time for The LEFT Show! This week, J.M. & JC accidentally record a show! From DINO sexism to the Department of education;...
by JMBell | Jun 20, 2016 | The Left Show
It’s father’s day. Suck it up, buttercup. Anyway, this best of is from 4 years ago this week! YAY! Social Experiments! 289 The LEFT Show A fantastic – and crowded – episode of The LEFT Show! Jake,...
by JMBell | Sep 15, 2014 | JMBell, The Left Show
I remember this one! Pasty Orifices! This one goes back a bit to the time that Brenda and Lisa visited the studio and hilarity ensued. This one also was the beginning of the carryover joke, but you’d have to go back for that one. This is it, my little beauties!...
by JMBell | Sep 30, 2013 | JMBell, The Left Show
Using the not-quite-modern equivalent of a pair of antique tape decks, I have, a great cost of time and effort, managed to piece together a show that sounds almost, kinda like the real thing. Good lord it took for-freaking-ever to edit. Seriously. J.M. Bell, Forrest...
by JMBell | Sep 16, 2013 | JMBell, The Left Show
It seems weeks since I’ve written that we had a normal show, that I am now of the opinion that I need to set a new normal, and begin to gauge the normalcy of the show on that. So, 3 – 2 – 1 – BANG – New Normal set. Feel better? Me too....