by JMBell | Feb 27, 2012 | America, Democrats, GOP, HOLD322, JMBell, The Left Show |
Jake and Forrest bring Bob Easton from Hold 322 to join me in the discussion of the wacky news of the week! Jon Huntsman and Rocky Anderson are both arguing for a political three way, while Rick Santorum is busy pissing of the Dutch. The Utah GOP Legislature votes in...
by JMBell | Feb 13, 2012 | America, Democrats, Election, GOP, JMBell, LGBT, The Left Show, Utah Legislature
Eric joins Jake, Forrest and I in the studio (it looks like we forgot to re-up the restraining order) to talk about politics and the GOP machine’s imminent self destruction. We cover the Santorum hat-trick; Mitt Romney going all weepy emo; the weak sauce, but...