by JMBell | May 8, 2014 | JMBell, Tell Me A Story, The Left Show
BFF of more than 25 years JC Carter answered the phone tonight, and we talked about a few different things. Starting with goofy high school stories, and moving through college days, and crazy ex-girlfriends – we cover a long list of laundry in a bite sized...
by JMBell | Apr 24, 2014 | America, JMBell, Tell Me A Story, The Left Show
Ix is an old friend, one of my oldest. He’s an artist, a designer, a world renowned owner of an adorable nose, and no idea, whatsoever, when a lady is hitting on him. Ix and I talked, in a deep and intelligent manner, about growing up, growing old, and selling...
by JMBell | Apr 10, 2014 | JMBell, Tell Me A Story, The Left Show
The Mighty Thom Floyd answered the phone this week, and, much like the proverbial antithesis of beauty, once you scratch away the surface, what lies beneath the outer layer, can sometimes be deep and rich in detail. From co-host on The World’s Greatest Podcast,...
by JMBell | Mar 27, 2014 | JMBell, Tell Me A Story, The Left Show
Going back nearly a decade, Jason Williams and I have fueled our mutual nerd rage every time we end up talking to one another – even though this is Tell Me A Story, everyone in politics has stories. Lots of stories. From The Sunlight Foundation to stories of...
by JMBell | Mar 20, 2014 | JMBell, Tell Me A Story, The Left Show
Catching up with someone who has, in my opinion, actually succeeded in their professional endeavors, is a singularly delightful event. Everett Downing, most recently from Pixar, comic book artist and writer, illustrator, and all around nice guy, answers the phone this...