by JMBell | Nov 7, 2016 | The Left Show
Well, that sure was fun! 240 years is nothing to sneeze at, folks. The United States had a great run, and now that we’re on the verge of following Rome, Egypt, Atlantis, and Mesopotamia into the foggy memories of history, I just wanted to take this time as...
by JMBell | Oct 31, 2016 | The Left Show
JC is back in the studio, while Deb is off in the wilderness, and who knows what the hell happened to everyone else … ANYWAY! So, here we are, a week and a day out from either The Grand Meh, or the End of Civilization. Everything is going sideways, and who the...
by JMBell | Oct 24, 2016 | JMBell, The Left Show
Deb Henry returns to the temporary studio, bringing Jocelyn Christensen to round out a triad of chat. The show is great, the After Chat is great – it’s all great! Forget about Negan and join J.M. Bell for another week of the best podcast he recorded today!...
by JMBell | Oct 17, 2016 | JMBell, The Left Show
This week has Deb Henry in the temporary studio. You know Deb, she’s been everywhere, and most recently, joined the Coalition of 57. Deb is a long time pal, and friend of the show, and if you’re lucky, she’ll be back again. #303 The LEFT Show Monday...
by JMBell | Oct 3, 2016 | JMBell, The Left Show
The first of many changes between now and the 2016 General Election finds JC Carter and Alex Cragun join JM Bell in a basement somewhere to start trying out some new format changes. Honestly, it’s mostly Trump, NASA, famous people, and cheeses. #301 Monday In...