314 – Prolapses and Pyramids

314 – Prolapses and Pyramids

Well, folks., this is it. The last week that America can look herself in the mirror, and still call herself pretty. By the end of next week, she will enter her dementia phase – too much make up, tacky wigs, and extreme paranoia. A downward spiral to shit creek....
307 TLS – I Told You So

307 TLS – I Told You So

307 The LEFT Show by J.M. Bell | Monday In America http://theleftshow.com/tlspods/TLS_S7_EP307.mp3 I love being right. I LOVE IT and I always have … until last Tuesday. Dear god … I hate last Tuesday. So, anyway, great job America. You let old white people...
306 Goodnight America

306 Goodnight America

Well, that sure was fun! 240 years is nothing to sneeze at, folks. The United States had a great run, and now that we’re on the verge of following Rome, Egypt, Atlantis, and Mesopotamia into the foggy memories of history, I just wanted to take this time as...
305 Miscarriages and other Dipsh@t

305 Miscarriages and other Dipsh@t

JC is back in the studio, while Deb is off in the wilderness, and who knows what the hell happened to everyone else … ANYWAY! So, here we are, a week and a day out from either The Grand Meh, or the End of Civilization. Everything is going sideways, and who the...
304 American Therapy

304 American Therapy

Deb Henry returns to the temporary studio, bringing Jocelyn Christensen to round out a triad of chat. The show is great, the After Chat is great – it’s all great! Forget about Negan and join J.M. Bell for another week of the best podcast he recorded today!...