by JMBell | May 6, 2013 | HOLD322, JMBell, The Left Show
130 The LEFT Show FREE COMIC? Your pals from Hold 322 and The LEFT Show were at Free Comic Book Day this year at Night Flight Comics in Salt Lake City.*Mimi and the gang were all on hand to welcome the hordes of panting fanboys and girls who seem to like standing in...
by JMBell | May 1, 2013 | The Left Show
129 The LEFT Show makes my bits tickle Yup, Alex Cragun again! That dude from SLUG Magazine, you might recall him from Monday’s show. Forrest, Ultimate Bob and I welcomed him into the studio to talk about all the stuff below. Jason and Jake are still on their...
by JMBell | Apr 30, 2013 | America, The Left Show
This is a discussion coming up on The LEFT Show – probably not this next week, but the week after for sure. Some hate it ’cause it makes people happy for a bit (like pot or booze), some hate it because they feel it’s exploitative, and some hate it...
by JMBell | Apr 29, 2013 | LGBT, The Left Show
128 The LEFT Show – Texas Weeps Hello little bunnies! It’s a strange kind of reflective week we have in front of us, so … let’s get to it, eh? Alex Cragun from Slug Magazine joined J.M. Bell, Forrest, and FNG Ultimate Bob in the studio to cover...
by JMBell | Apr 24, 2013 | JMBell, The Left Show
127 The LEFT Show Podcast Here I am getting the post together, sticking the links up because, unlike the Fox News guys, we don’t make shit up, when I remember that, in addition to THE Ernie Gamonal joining JM Bell, Forrest Shaw, and JC Carter in the studio,...