Garbage person and his garbage pals celebrate their GOP manufactured rise in Utah’s teen suicide rate.
In the opening hours of the 2023 Utah Legislative session, Republicans decided that some kids are expendable in this state. Joining the growing nationwide move of Republicans to target at-risk children, this gaggle of “Pro-Life For Conforming Automatons Only” decided that they know better, that their OPINIONS and BELIEFS outweigh consideration for fact, science, medical standards, parental rights and THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF AT-RISK KIDS.
Three bills:
- SB16 – denying targeted children access to life saving medical care.
- SB93 – denying transgender kids the ability to change their names & gender markers on birth certificates.
- SB100 – exposing transgender children to abuse at home, denying them ANY safe space.
SB93 comes from GOP Senator McCay. He’s a lawyer and a real estate guy. He’s a bad guy hybrid mix of the two worst groups of self-serving GOP legislators in Utah.
SB100 comes from GOP Senator Todd Weiler. Todd is also an attorney. When bad legislation pops up in the Utah Senate, it is never, ever a surprise to find Todd involved. He’s a bully to minorities, non-Mormons, and children.
SB16, the worst of these three bills, comes from the demented brain of GOP Senator Mike Kennedy. Kennedy is, allegedly, a doctor. He has access to peer reviewed studies that show how gender affirming medical care saves lives. He made a conscious choice to push children toward suicide and he celebrates the loss of life of kids who just need help and understanding. He chooses to deny access for both children and parents to the very, very limited life saving tools available.
After blasting these three bills through committee, these gerrymandered lawmakers took their poison to the floor of the Senate almost immediately, denying public comment, denying the weigh in of a disenfranchised & gerrymandered electorate, ignoring the begging and pleading of terrified parents, and passed them with a wink and a giggle.
These three men decided that dead kids aren’t even worth a shrug.

Senator Kennedy.
I can’t understand why you hate my kid. What, exactly, did he do to hurt your feelings? I can’t understand why you hate his friends. What did they do to make you decide that they deserve misery, shame, depression, and suicide?
I can’t understand what so warps the mind of someone who calls himself a doctor to ignore science and medicine and instead singles out at-risk children to deny them life saving care.
Why do you think my child is better off dead than not conforming to your tiny, hostile BELIEFS?
Is it the Eagle Forum? Are you emasculated by them to the point that you’ve chosen to be an accomplice to the systematic murder of children? Is it the heady intoxication of sitting in a gerrymandered seat and telling we lesser, unelected citizens that you’re superior for no other reason than you and your bigoted party members keep getting away with cheating?
My son is ALIVE because of gender affirming medical care. He’s happy, accomplished, thriving, and succeeding where just a few years ago, every day was filled with wondering if this was the day I found him dead.
After listening to you during the hearing on SB16 today, I realize that the simple fact of his continued existence is anathema to you. You and your bill’s supporters gave anecdotal thoughts without study, without regard, without care, without compassion, without actual scientific evidence simply to move forward your personal agenda that trans kids deserve to die to make you unexplainably more comfortable.
You have delicate feelings, I am told. As a Republican lawmaker, you are thin skinned and highly susceptible to depression and punitively lashing out against those that disagree with you. I am told that to get anything done in Utah, we victims of your dangerous avarice must kow-tow and grovel; feed your ego with compliments and platitudes … all in the hope that your callous and murderous heart might be changed and that, somewhere inside of you, might lie the possibility for empathy.
Let’s be honest, you just don’t want to deal with it. You lack the capacity. You lack intellectual honesty. You are, quite simply, a bully and a thug, scoring points with a squawking minority to further your political power mongering.
You wish my child dead.
You wish his friends – his supportive, loving, and caring support group dead.
You are a shining example of the perversion of your office, your duty, your responsibility, and your oath of office.
— J.M. Bell
Sen. McCay
Mobile: 801-810-4110
350 N State Street, Ste. 320, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, 84114
Sen. Weiler
Mobile: 801-599-9823
1248 W 1900 S, Woods Cross, UT, 84087
Sen. Kennedy
Mobile: 385-268-9458
659 E 200 N, ALPINE, UT, 84004