JC and Bob were off doing classical stuff, dressed up in their Co-Presidents of the J.M. Bell Fan Club Ceremonial Garb, reading Shakespeare and not missing us back in the studio, at all. Melissa Merlot, Forrest Shaw, and JM Bell together together lost and forlorn, to muddle on the best we can .. so, we do! It’s all in here folks, Science, Entertainment, Anti-Sexism … all the greatest hits!
Pink Floyd countdown to… ? – http://bit.ly/1w3mVur
New telescope may spot wormhole in our galaxy http://bit.ly/1w3mO1W
NASA’s Planet-Hunting Kepler Telescope Is Back From The Dead! http://bit.ly/1w3n0hy
DNA Analysis of Elongated Skulls Released http://bit.ly/1w3nm83
Man Attacks Car with Sword in Attempt to Slay the Dark Lord Morgoth http://bit.ly/1w3ngNu
Rick Santorum Endorsed the Judge Who Just Legalized Gay Marriage in Pennsylvania http://slate.me/1w3n7d6
In Georgia, You Can Carry a Gun, But You Need a Prescription for a Vibrator http://bit.ly/1w3nC6J
Catholic principal regrets using Ellen DeGeneres photo in dance invitation http://bit.ly/1w3oKY6
Blustering Fox News Pundit Attacks Disabled War Hero Congresswoman for… BENGHAZI!!!! http://bit.ly/1w3nN1X
Darrell Issa’s Proposal Would Stop Daily Mail Delivery To Millions Of Americans http://bit.ly/1w3nRPo
GOP House Candidate: There’s a Gay Plot to Recruit and Sodomize Your Kids http://bit.ly/1w3nXX6
Utahns in the ‘Medicaid gap’ are working; here’s where http://bit.ly/1w3o7xH
House Directs Pentagon To Ignore Climate Change http://huff.to/1w3oisX
GOP Rep. Tom Cole: ‘I Want To Personally Thank The POTUS’ http://huff.to/1w3oubx
The Jolie doesn’t complain http://bit.ly/1w3oCId
Viggo Mortensen calls ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy a ‘mess’ http://bit.ly/1w3oWXo
Batman v Superman Writer Goyer’s She-Hulk Comments Enrage Fans – http://bit.ly/1w3knw9
Stan Lee Calls David Goyer A Nut Over She-Hulk Comments – http://bit.ly/1w3kt6U
Gail Simone Weighs In On David Goyer She-Hulk Controversy – http://bit.ly/1w3kIPx