Very crowded studio today! Quang Dang and Bob Aagard join Jeff, Forrest, and Ultimate Bob for a chat around the studio in an attempt top either repair, or take over, the world! So … It’s Memorial Day
This is a “Holiday” that is supposed to mean something. Republican’ts cheapen it with false patriotism and political posturing – rampant capitalism whores it out to sell cars, carpet and furniture – and most people have lost touch with what Memorial Day stands for.
Memorial Day used to be observed on May 30. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War still advocate returning the holiday to that date. The VFW released a statement in their 2002 Memorial Day Address that I think pins down one of the points I tried to make on the show:
“Changing the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the day. No doubt, this has contributed a lot to the general public’s nonchalant observance of Memorial Day.”
134 The LEFT Show – No Carpet Sale
So – yeah. Here’s your links: