Holy Buckets, we are BACK! JM, JC, and Forrest were joined by the lovely, talented, and funny Melissa Merlot – who may or may not have something to do with Conspurracy Theories. Check out her stuff at www.melissamerlot.com. There was a lot to talk about on our first show back from – where ever the hell we ended up. Except for Free Comic Book Day. We knew what happened there, I guess.
Regardless – here we are! And, guess what? It’s like every dirty joke we haven’t used in polite company over the last month sneaked into this show. Here’s the links, bitches!
Gates: Benghazi-Obsessed Republicans Have ‘Cartoonish’ View of Military Capability http://bit.ly/189cOHk
Special Ops halted from responding to Benghazi attacks, U.S. diplomat says http://wapo.st/189cOXY
Boehner Would Have Had Those Benghazi Emails If He Hadn’t Skipped the Briefing http://bit.ly/189cRD5
CNN Blows Huge Hole In GOP Efforts To Prosecute Benghazi Scandal http://onforb.es/189cQ20
CBS News: Republicans Lied About White House Benghazi E-mails http://bit.ly/189cQiF
Republican Says The Stupidest Thing Ever About Benghazi ‘Controversy’ http://bit.ly/189ddJX
Where’s the apology for Susan Rice? http://on.msnbc.com/189dkVK
Fox News Host on Benghazi: ‘We’re Getting a Little Lopsided’ by Favoring Republicans http://bit.ly/189dRHh
ObamaCare CheckIn
House GOP Votes To Repeal Obamacare — And Chop The GOP’s Own Budget http://bit.ly/189cVCJ
#ObamaCareInThreeWords ‘It’s. The. Law.’ http://on.msnbc.com/189cZ5y
Interesting News
RNC Director Of Hispanic Outreach Quits Party And Registers As A Democrat http://bit.ly/189dgFG
IRS To Holocaust America, Says Never Wrong Matt Drudge – http://bit.ly/189do80
RNC Spokeswoman Admits Harry Reid Was Right About Romney’s Taxes All Along, Whoops http://bit.ly/189dCvY