Weeeeee! I started the day with a nasty migraine, took half a percocet, and, for those that have listened to this show for awhile, you know that things get goofy when I get … under the influence. Weeeee!
First of all, have you gone over to The City Weekly to vote for The LEFT Show yet? Hmmm?
Remember, in OCTOBER, when The LEFT Show broke the latest chapter of the Skulduggerous Adventures of Johnny Swallow? We’ll be talking about that some more, among SO MANY other, interesting stuff!
We talk about SPACE and SCIENCE – because we’re not Republicans! The President takes his forth oath of office today (think it through, it’ll come to you) and Utah is about to pressured by the Feds to “make changes” – but, no one’s really all that loud about it … yup, not guns.
Speaking of guns, crazy about guns, and morons with guns, we also have letters from morons about guns, and a little more gun stuff. Oh, then I lose my shit and start yelling at Sgt. Jake … for REASONS! Guns and slavery, too! The LEFT is dumb on guns, too!
We read the 23 Executive Orders that President Obama signed that don’t restrict your 2nd Amendment Rights, not one little bit, you reactionary, purposefully ignorant, knee jerk, chuckleheads. LISTEN AND LEARN!
Start your two day countdown to a brand new Bat Sh@t Crazy with Jason Williams, folks!