Sgt. Jake, Forrest and J.M.Bell would like to wish you all a happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
The Republicans are having a terrible couple of weeks, so, naturally, we pile on and tease them about it. A judge in Wisconsin has told the Governor that his Union Busting law is unconstitutional, while Mitt Romney continues to take every imaginable position on Libya (thanks to Bob Aagard for the data). Speaking of Romney on Libya, anyone with half an ounce of tact thinks he’s a vulture, and not a good one at that.
The guys hold another meeting of the POTUS Obama Protective Association and blast through a few of the LIES told by Republicans about the Libyan protest and the murder of the Embassy staff and Ambassador. This one, most likely, will result in the first (of many I assume) of a joint Muslem/Fundamentalist Christian Fatwah against The LEFT Show! Any advice Salman Rushdie?
Jason Williams is back with an all new Bat Sh@t Crazy – This week, he’s about 47% more incredulous than normal … see what I did there?
All This and MORE!