- Gonna need a couple of these http://t.co/DRTFepUA #
- thetardis: We went on a diet, ok? http://t.co/w2dRJuYG #
- So – NOW can I call it GOP racism? http://t.co/Mv8j6rw0 #
- fyeahlilbitoeverything: bigbardafree:
Batman: The Animated SeriesThe Mechanic
Sassiest Duo.
Maybe he's n… http://t.co/PZCDpvjq #
- wrench-wench: fyeahlilbitoeverything:
DC Comics Dreamcast
> Gina Torres as Nubia/Nu’Bia (Firs… http://t.co/lz2aePRa # - Mutton! #chops http://t.co/x25uQ6U1 #
- skyremains: nezua:
FDA approves pill to prevent HIV infections
The drug, Truvada, … http://t.co/Xl9Fglzl # - “The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn’t mean… http://t.co/4JAlmO9I #
- #59 – The LEFT Show – Big, Empty Room – MONDAY! JM Bell and The LEFT Show grab JC Carter and Forrest Shaw to… http://t.co/DvJ8F9Qv #
- #59 – The LEFT Show – Big, Empty Room – http://t.co/lFTkDwR4 with @JMBell @Sifujc @forrestlshaw @RobertGehrke #utpol #
- What's the opposite of this song? http://t.co/IvfQKG76 That would be the theme for the #UTGOP pretending not to know Greg Peterson #utpol #
- thebirdandthebat: Feminists wear armor that covers their sensitive bits. “Every time I buy an issue of Red … http://t.co/gIa2u9ve #
- Photoset: http://t.co/gDykVd4i #
- That is a great ad. Powerful. Well done. http://t.co/yhHZzBIO #
- William Shatner Vs. Wil Wheaton For The Affections Of The Mars Science Laboratory http://t.co/bvOtz88e #
- Oops! Romney campaign puts forth yet another anti-government businessman reliant on government http://t.co/GjAzRmw6 #utpol #
- astrodidact: This is beautiful. They are called Gourd lamps. This particular designer is called Calabarte.
… http://t.co/cKMYECau # - HAHAHAHAHA! #romneyshambles RT @J_Kane @n3rdpower Disastrous to who? Obama? #utpol #
- Video: Spock, These Cadets of Yours, How Good Are They? http://t.co/XfCxFr0U #
- Photo: http://t.co/UyZCNKvS #
- Heh … Going to need a couple of these. http://t.co/yZ0IZjvk #
A gay couple in Argentina have plenty to celebrate after welcoming a healthy baby boy into their l… http://t.co/qc1u03hO # - #60 – The LEFT Show – Empty Room's Revenge – It’s The LEFT Show #60 for Wednesday. JM Bell, JC Carter and… http://t.co/K5bzV0N0 #
- Hell of a way to announce you've left the Romney campaign? RT @jasoninthehouse Pay your federal taxes, or get fired. #utpol #utgop #utdem #
- Oops! New House GOP report demolishes House GOP claims on Fast and Furious "scandal" http://t.co/q9RJLtZu #utpol #utgop #
- Poor conservatives. Your supporting fast food chains are akin to your supporting "actors/comedians." They both really suck. #utpol #
- The Little Chick-fil-A That Could (Support Gay Pride) | Blog | Political Humor Satire | Comedy Centr http://t.co/o0yDcITN #
- Today thousands of "Christians" stood up for their traditional families… by feeding them fast food. #utpol #derpader #
- Please let this happen: Rick Santorum says he 'expects' to speak at RNC. http://t.co/DSp0tLJj #utpol #
- Not all fun and games for "Christians" at Utah's Chic-fil-a(s) today. Some locations were outright creepy! http://t.co/04co4BdA #utpol #
- eclecticbanana: True http://t.co/wlBDs1uz #
- lazymwriter: JLA #57
Issues, Lots of Issues. HA! http://t.co/GyVb9AMS # - I FINALLY watched Morgan Spurlock's "POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" and, you know what? It… http://t.co/IcPmpg8b #
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