It’s Garbage Day again, can you feel it? Can you smell the stench of distraction?
Lets be honest, the biggest threat to a young black mans life is another young black man. I’m not saying that racism doesn’t exist, it’s alive and well in modern day America, just that this current frenzy is nothing but distraction from the real issue of the inequality that leads to poor education and poverty. So no, I’m not going to attend a hoodie march, I’m not going to take a side, I’m not going to discuss it.
The Supreme Court herd arguments over the Affordable Healthcare Act this week (Obamacare for anyone who hasn’t kept up) At the crux of the issue is the individual mandate and its constitutionality. We won’t know until June how they will rule, and I’m torn either way. The Affordable Healthcare Act does a lot of great things, but the key to paying for bill, the individual mandate, IS Corporate Welfare. It’s why I’ve had mixed feelings about it from the beginning.
What do hoodies and healthcare have in common?
People over Profit
Justice over Charity
America suffers from a serious lack of equality. Equality gives everyone the same fighting chance, even ground, an even playing field. The outcomes will never be the same. Some people do better than others and some people try harder than others. The point is that one person is not actually better than another person and we all deserve the opportunity to succeed.
A nations success is directly related to the investments it puts into healthcare and education. We’ve got to have an educated healthy workforce in order to prosper. We don’t have that anymore in America. We lost it because we get distracted over the petty stuff so our wealth can quite literally be extracted while we fight each other. Do you see how stupid we’ve become?
This Garbage Day we need to kick the distraction to the curb. We need to pay attention. We need to demand equality for ALL!