These are the 48 Senators Who Voted to Use The GOVERNMENT To Put Your Employer Between You and Your Doctor
It’s important to remember that Americans – Taxpayers, citizens – pay their salaries and Cadillac benefits — including coverage for Birth Control — for these freedom hating, misogynistic, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES.
Lamar Alexander R TN
Kelly Ayotte R NH
John Barrasso R WY
Roy Blunt R MO
John Boozman R AR
Scott Brown R MA
Richard M. Burr R NC
Bob Casey D PA
Saxby Chambliss R GA
Daniel Coats R IN
Tom Coburn R OK
Thad Cochran R MS
Susan Collins R ME
Bob Corker R TN
John Cornyn R TX
Michael D. Crapo R ID
Jim DeMint R SC
Michael B. Enzi R WY
Lindsey Graham R SC
Charles Grassley R IA
Orrin G. Hatch R UT
Dean Heller R NV
John Hoeven R ND
Kay Hutchison R TX
James M. Inhofe R OK
Johnny Isakson R GA
Mike Johanns R NE
Ron Johnson R WI
Jon Kyl R AZ
Mike Lee R UT
Richard G. Lugar R IN
Joe Manchin III D WV
John McCain R AZ
Mitch McConnell R KY
Jerry Moran R KS
Lisa Murkowski R AK
Ben Nelson D NE
Rand Paul R KY
Rob Portman R OH
Jim Risch R ID
Pat Roberts R KS
Marco Rubio R FL
Jeff Sessions R AL
Richard C. Shelby R AL
John Thune R SD
Patrick Toomey R PA
David Vitter R LA
Roger Wicker R MS
Why do they hate Americans?