From Crooks and Liars –
Via Calitics:
Jerry Brown is out with a devastating new ad that shows Meg Whitman and Arnold Schwarzenegger are, word for word, offering the same kind of failed policies and solutions for California’s problems.
Here’s what the Brown campaign said about the ad:
Pointing to the familiar echo voters are hearing from billionaire Meg Whitman on the campaign trail, the Jerry Brown for Governor Campaign today released a new television ad that features a montage of video clips in which the candidate repeats, rehashes and repackages the same talking points and utterances as our current Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“Meg Whitman said it herself, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results,'” said Brown for Governor Campaign Manager Steven Glazer. “Yet, the Long Island native has had no qualms about recycling the same platitudes, repackaging the same campaign events and rehiring the same high priced consultants as the state’s current Governor.”
The Brown Campaign’s television ad began airing statewide today.
As Calitics notes:
The ad aired in the Bay Area during the Giants-Phillies playoff game this afternoon, so that’s a significant – and not cheap – buy for this ad.
Game over.