- Maybe a keynote speaker for the Party next time, instead of making it Matheson day in SLC would be nice #utpol #
- So, Steny Hoyer is here as a Matheson booster. Very subtle, Jim. #utpol #
- RT @thesidetrack: The hell?! @jesscot has a new blog and nobody told me? Again: the hell?! #
- RT @crooksandliars: New at C&L: What Are Erik Prince and Blackwater Doing In Pakistan? Maybe Someone Should Ask. http://bit.ly/bFnnFS #
- I want to want to excersize. I think that might help motivate me. #
- http://bit.ly/ch7UYI <– I am a victim of profiling. #
- Lynn Redgrave died 🙁 #
- Yikes! Forgot about my "because they automated" boycot of 101.9 fm and got assaulted with BonJovi. WTF? #
- OBAMA: I'm also glad that I'm speaking first, because I think we've all seen what happens when someone takes the time slot after Leno's. #
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