There are several reasons why I’ve decided to support Christopher Stout for the US Senate nomination, so, let me cover a few of those right away.
1. He doesn’t quit
Chris called me in September of 2009 to see if I’d help him gear up for a run at the nomination. His nephew and I worked on a couple of campaigns in 2004 and 2005. I told him no. Flat out – no.
“There’s already a guy running, Sam Granato,” I said.
“I haven’t heard about him, does he have a website I can look at?”
“Um,” I said. “Not yet, but I’m sure it’s on it’s way.”
We talked politics and issues for a few minutes and he thanked me for my time. He called me in October and we had the same conversation. Then again in November. Same thing. Every time we spoke I tried to talk him out of running and every time he stonewalled me with:
“So, if he’s the candidate, when does he get a campaign?”
“Good question.”
No matter how many times I tried to discourage him, he always called me on my conventional thinking. He was right, and I was very, very wrong. When he asked me to help him out again at the Salt Lake County Convention, I finally gave in and said yes.
2. He’s ready, and has been for months
It’s something I’ve had tantrums about for years: If you’re going to point at a broken part of the system, have a plan to fix what’s broke. This is an area that Chris excels in. Since our first conversation last fall, Chris has been ready with both problems and solutions. When he doesn’t know something, he learns it from every possible angle and is ready the next time it comes up.
3. He’s fearless
He’ll debate anyone at any time. While Granato has been AWOL for at least three events (Take Two, Hinkley and last night’s Uber-right wing Constitution Forum), Stout has energetically been there. It doesn’t matter that at least twice he’s been the lone Democrat at right wing debate events – he’s been there, he’s done well and he’s not afraid to talk on the issues – even in front of very unfriendly crowds.
He answers his own phone. When you call the campaign to ask a question – you talk to the candidate, not some chucklehead (like me).
When Sam was making the rounds last spring, I’ll freely admit that I was really looking forward to his campaign. He was starting very early, had name recognition and looked excited about running. Now it’s a year later and I’m still looking for a campaign, still wondering where his solutions are.
Basically, the choice comes down to a candidate who is ready to run, ready to fight and has the fire in the belly – or the one who won’t debate, has had “issues” for about a week and still offers no solutions.
I think Sam Granato is a great guy, he’s smart and he cares – but, where has his campaign been for the last year? What a wasted opportunity Democrats had to establish a top of the ticket candidate while the GOP was running in circles.
I’m going with Stout. He’s ready, now, and willing to fight for the seat.