- RT @lizzwinstead: Is there an app for THAT? #TerribleThingsToSayDuringSex #
- RT @lizzwinstead: Fail #TerribleThingsToSayDuringSex #
- RT @marshallUtah: Park City passes anti-discrimination ordinances http://bit.ly/dxeEMt #
- Just watched the Season premiere of the New Doctor Who … Fkn LOVED it. I like Matt Smith and – Yowsa – Amiela – nice. #
- Got an open hour on my saturday afternoons now … Wonder how to fill it. #
- SO much more powerful than the hypnotoad – http://bit.ly/9h8yHr #
- Best. News. Ever. http://bit.ly/9jPsGw BEST. NEWS. EVER! #
- #ff – @RobertGehrke: , @michaelcastner , @Saintless , @ash_anderson , @moviecricket , @thesidetrack , @jon_dunn #
- Clinton Calls Out Armey And Gingrich For Reprising Roles, Reusing Lines – http://huff.to/d7ol21 #
- Obama: "I'll veto the bill if it doesn't regulate derivatives" http://huff.to/bPEsT9 #
- RT @Syfy: The next generation of light saber chopsticks has arrived – http://bit.ly/d7BvSI #
- RT @thesidetrack: Firedoglake – Will the FCC Reclassify Broadband So It Can Do Its Job? http://bit.ly/a0pXP9 #
- How about we impeach an A.G. for supporting a radical group that supports succession and violent gov't overthrow? @MarkShurtleff #
- Can you impeach an A.G. for being uber-whiny? http://bit.ly/a49TLC (h/t @sidetrack) @MarkShurtleff #AGFail #
- Poor 'Lil Mitt: Top administrator of RomneyCare quits to pursue job working on ObamaCare http://bit.ly/cGr0ii #
- http://bit.ly/cn2BBj – For the fellas #
- If you Republican asshats make me vote on an electronic machine, then online signatures should be WAY more than acceptable. #
- "Hey, let's catch a movie! But this time, let's leave the racist, bigoted, offensive signs at home, huh?" http://bit.ly/caAGa6 #
- Great job @comcast – 37th straight work day that serive crashes at 3pm MsT and stays dead at least an hour. #
- Bring back the WPA! – http://act.truemajorityaction.org/p/7002/bluepetition?petition_KEY=158 #
- GREAT IDEA #stxmovies #
- Holy Crap – Sean Means knows my name! *manly swoon – http://bit.ly/aCzT8v #
- Going to make Scotch Eggs this afternoon, I think #
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