Left of the Dial is on today! – 4pm MST – listen online at www.ksl.com/radio – 1160am – 102.7fm

Joining me in studio today will be Craig Axford, new executive director of the Citizens Education Project. We’ll be talking about his new job, the history of the Citizens Education Project and their future plans.

Also, it seems Mayor Peter Corroon may be up to something new – Running For Governor! I’m trying to get someone to come talk about it, but, as the official announcement isn’t until early next week, no one is answering the phones at this last minute. So, if I don’t get anyone on the line, well spend a few minutes saying nice things about Mayor Corroon and making fun of Gov. Herbert.

In the News of the GOP – We will most likely be spending a couple of minutes talking about Congress-toddler Chaffetz and his fear of TSA cooties – because I can’t help being twitchy about an elected representative acting like a 3rd grader. We’re also going to spend a few minutes talking about the ridiculous attacks on Senator Bennett from the far right of the far right of his right wing party.

All in all, an action packed show that will probably come off the rails at about minute 7 – like every other week.