- If you MUST rob a bank, don't use your custom BMW with vanity plates – with your name on 'em. – http://bit.ly/60w9tA #
- Holy Bat-Limo, Batman! http://bit.ly/8xge4l – A BatLimo! #
- Pointless, Weird, Silly … http://bit.ly/6zeRM2 – but I want one. #
- Yield signs may be too hard for Utah drivers to understand. 8 schools days in a row nearly killed by those not yielding. #
- How does half a bagel with lite cream cheese so easily turn into chilli cheese dogs when my wife is asleep? Mysterious. #
- RT @HollyMullen: Your opinions please:I'm seriously consideringrunning 4 SLCountyCouncil. At-large seat, as a Democrat. What do u think? #
- Sanjay Gupta on MSNBC? … mindblowingly bland. #
- Lieberman Wants Revenge on Those Who Rode Around on the Bus of Democratic Primary Challenger – http://bit.ly/6re1d8 #
- Pong Prom … good clean fun with serious naughty potential – http://bit.ly/6fOJiD #
- BBC – WTF? http://bit.ly/6tYvE1 #
- Using religion as a political weapon – fine. Have religion used as a weapon against you – whine = Rep Chaffetz – http://bit.ly/78TWqO #
- The guy who writes my TV listings is the greatest TV listing writer ever – http://bit.ly/6LjKzN #
- "The difference 'tween a Glenn Beck conspiracy and the prom scene in 'Carrie' – she wasn't that hysterical" http://bit.ly/7tbhCt #
- HEY! GRAMMY AWARDS! Here is the BEST. THING. EVER! – http://bit.ly/wAGwu – EVER! #
- Stay classy, GOP – http://bit.ly/7gued8 – GOP Wingnut Politician Calls Colleague’s Dead Son a Homo #
- NAH – that's 3 years old. RT @rmiriam: Nah. THIS is the best Ukrainian polka-ish thing ever. http://bit.ly/6qzlCv #
- This has been stuck in my head all day – http://bit.ly/wJhAs #
- The 12 Days of Twin Peaks Christmas – http://bit.ly/8VQ4MT – Another damn box set to buy. #
- That's more like it! – RT @Saintless: RuPaul: Going Vogue http://bit.ly/8ZNcZd #
- What do 9/11 and Tiger Woods have in common? 19 straight days of New York Post covers – http://bit.ly/80dhuG #
- I hope you have a Happy Patriot Act Christmas – http://bit.ly/57rfWu #
- I can't make the switch to Chrome as primary … I keep trying, keep finding it too odd. #
- The Dark Knight is Confused. http://bit.ly/8YLOq1 #
- I love Farscape. Still love it. Kirk, O'Neill and Crichton are my holy trinity of SciFi #
- JM Bell's Left of the Dial is on TODAY – 4pm MST – More info here –> http://bit.ly/75Obgl #
- On my way to take the kids to see Santa at South Valley Harley Davidson. #
- Doing Santa at the Harley Shop was GREAT. 10 minute wait, kids on a hog w/ Santa, free pics, wonderful staff – http://bit.ly/7m3Juu #
- RT Mythbusters takes on Star Trek Gorn cannon (video): http://tinyurl.com/ykjra5w #
- RT @ErikDavis: this website gives you the local weather in Star Wars terms — now in NYC it's like Hoth http://bit.ly/4tKTiq #
- RT @wilw: I really wish that President Obama had more in common with the Candidate Obama I was inspired by and worked to elect. #
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