From a letter to Standard Net, of all places:

The following letter is filled with sarcasm. If any confusion lasts more than 4 hours, see your doctor.

It seems that Utah, the most Republican state in the Union, has received more than $2.347 billion in Federal stimulus funds, so far. Who knew? I thought that our fiscally conservative Congressmen and Senators would ship it back in a large FedEx box with a note penned by Sara Palin reading “thanks, but no thanks, you betcha”.

They all voted against it. They still speak out against it. To this day, they bash Obama for doing it, and then, that’s right, THEY POCKET IT!

This news must be very upsetting to the true believing Becker-heads here in Utah, because “we” would probably rather receive illicit drug money than any filthy stimulus cash from our illegal-alien communist Muslim President.

Why, one poor Weber County dairy farmer even got “tricked” into getting some of it. I just know that he is going to give it back because I’m sure he won’t want his neighbors to shun him at church for being hypocritical. Buy the way, did he actually tell the SBA that he was simply going to pay off old loans with it?

What’s wrong with this picture: the Top of Utah got $398 per person while the remainder of the State’s population got $1,014.

Read the rest HERE.